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Weekly Club Galleries - 2013-2014 Season

'Holy Trinity, Old Bewick' by Dave Dixon LRPS
Dave Dixon LRPS - 27/11/2013

(15 images)
'Cathedral Entrance' by Ian Atkinson ARPS
Ian Atkinson ARPS - 27/11/2013

(15 images)
'Concorde (Standing)' by Nick Johnson
Gerry Simpson ADPS LRPS and Nick Johnson - 11/12/2013

(12 images)
'My Doll' by Jane Coltman CPAGB
Jane Coltman CPAGB - 11/09/2013

(15 images)
'The Lowry Centre' by John Thompson ARPS EFIAP CPAGB
John Thompson ARPS EFIAP CPAGB - 05/02/2014

(14 images)
'Helen Chair' by Paul Penman
Paul Penman - 25/09/2013

(12 images)
'' by Gordon Charlton
Gordon Charlton - 05/02/2014

(12 images)
'Eeing From Grasspoint' by Andrew Mackie
Andrew Mackie - 19/02/2014

(13 images)
'Otter (1)' by Judith Snaith
Judith Snaith - 19/02/2014

(4 images)
'Music Festival Indian Dancer' by Rosie Cook-Jury
Rosie Cook-Jury - 08/01/2015

(12 images)
'' by Atholl Swanson
Atholl Swanson - 08/01/2014

(18 images)
'' by Peter Sutcliffe
Peter Sutcliffe - 19/03/2014

(12 images)
'Safe' by John Thompson ARPS EFIAP CPAGB
John Thompson ARPS EFIAP CPAGB - 23/04/2014

(12 images)

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Copyright on photographs belongs to the photographer