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Galleries from Club Trips

'Bluebell Woods' by James McQuillen
Thorp Perrow

(25 images)
'Train Shed' by Jane Coltman CPAGB
Tanfield Railway

(28 images)
'Brimham Rocks' by Dave Dixon LRPS
Brimham Rocks

(9 images)
'Stump Cross Caverns 1' by Richard Stent LRPS
Stump Cross Caverns

(10 images)
'Rain Chain' by David Carter
Alnwick Gardens

(45 images)
'Farnes (4)' by Jane Coltman CPAGB
Farne Islands

(15 images)
'Coloured Lights' by Rachel Morton
Tyne Quayside

(26 images)
'The Exhibition' by John Thompson ARPS EFIAP CPAGB
Alnwick Spring Show 2008

(8 images)
'RAF Boulmer (6)' by Ian Atkinson ARPS
RAF Boulmer

(42 images)
'Horse Riding And Vat' by John Thompson ARPS EFIAP CPAGB
Appleby Horse Fair 2008

(38 images)
'Smile' by Jane Coltman CPAGB

(41 images)
'High And Dry' by Ian Atkinson ARPS
Wednesday Wanderers 2009

(162 images)
'Time To Talk' by John Strong
Appleby Horse Fair 2009

(24 images)
'I Will Say This Only Once' by John Thompson ARPS EFIAP CPAGB
Pickering War Weekend 2009

(18 images)
'Mrs Bond' by John Thompson ARPS EFIAP CPAGB

(14 images)
'Millenium Bridge' by Gareth Shackleton
Wednesday Wanderers 2010

(150 images)
'The Legs Have It' by Jane Coltman CPAGB
Appleby Horse Fair 2010

(65 images)
'London Trip (7)' by Gordon Charlton
London 2010

(32 images)
'Thorpe Perrow' by Ian Atkinson ARPS
Lindisfarne Castle

(21 images)
'Cage d'Escalier' by John Thompson ARPS EFIAP CPAGB
Delaval Hall

(27 images)
'Sand Ripples' by Jane Coltman CPAGB
Wednesday Wanderers 2011

(196 images)
'Thorpe Perrow' by Ian Atkinson ARPS
Thorpe Perrow, October 2011

(24 images)
'It's A Dirty Job' by Jane Coltman CPAGB
Wednesday Wanderers 2012

(111 images)
'Sage Side' by Gerry Simpson ADPS LRPS
Newcastle And Gateshead Quayside - 21/04/2013

(36 images)
'Northumberlandia' by Gordon Charlton
Wednesday Wanderers 2013

(433 images)
'Ford Doorway' by Tom Dundas
Wednesday Wanderers 2014

(163 images)
'' by John Thompson ARPS EFIAP CPAGB
Venice, October 2014

(41 images)
'Just Fed The Swans' by Rosie Cook-Jury
Wednesday Wanderers 2015

(135 images)
'' by Paul Penman
Birds Of Prey Workshop

(5 images)
'Pipe Band Leader' by Valerie Atkinson
Wednesday Wanderers 2016

(34 images)
'Dolphins' by Dave Dixon LRPS
Wednesday Wanderers 2017

(67 images)
'Newcastle (4)' by Peter Sutcliffe
A Sunday Stroll Around Newcastle

(35 images)
'Road' by Jane Coltman CPAGB
Another Sunday Trip To Newcastle

(16 images)
'Colour Of Pollution' by John Thompson ARPS EFIAP CPAGB
Wednesday Wanderers 2018

(61 images)
'' by Richard Stent LRPS
Alnwick Playhouse

(86 images)
'Quay Walls Lamp' by Dave Dixon LRPS
Wednesday Wanderers 2019

(87 images)
'A Focus Of Photographers' by Jane Coltman CPAGB
Wednesday Wanderers 2021 (Seahouses)

(51 images)
'Low Tide' by Chris Goddard
Wednesday Wanderers 2021 (Alnmouth)

(33 images)
'Looking Up' by Karen Broom
Wednesday Wanderers 2021 (Thrunton Wood)

(24 images)
'Enjoying The View' by Tony Broom CPAGB
Wednesday Wanderers 2021 (Blyth)

(24 images)
'Lowry Lane' by David Burn LRPS
Wednesday Wanderers 2021 (Berwick)

(43 images)
'Low Water' by Karen Broom
Wednesday Wanderers 2021 (Ingram)

(39 images)
'Sunset' by Valerie Atkinson
Wednesday Wanderers 2021 (Holy Island)

(35 images)
'Harbour View' by Karen Broom
Wednesday Wanderers 2021 (St Abbs)

(20 images)
'One In One Arriving' by John Thompson ARPS EFIAP CPAGB
Wednesday Wanderers 2021 (Amble)

(22 images)
'Side By Side' by David Lewis
Wednesday Wanderers 2021 (Aln Valley Railway)

(71 images)
'Once Upon A Time' by John Thompson ARPS EFIAP CPAGB
Wednesday Wanderers 2021 (Chillingham Castle)

(56 images)
'The Pavillion' by John Thompson ARPS EFIAP CPAGB
Wednesday Wanderers 2021 (The Alnwick Garden)

(49 images)
'ALittleFishy' by David Burn LRPS
Painting With Light

(54 images)
'' by Patricia Welsh
Wednesday Wanderers 2022

(308 images)
'Mist Lifts By Bamburgh Castle' by Jane Coltman CPAGB
Farne Islands, June 2022

(34 images)
'Barter Books' by Chris Goddard
Barter Books, June 2022

(17 images)
'Grasses' by Karen Broom
Howick Hall Gardens, July 2022

(30 images)
'Alnwick Garden' by Malcolm Biles
The Alnwick Garden, July 2022

(86 images)

Website © 2007-2024 Alnwick & District Camera Club
Copyright on photographs belongs to the photographer